If you installed Firefox 3 and are using Windows, you might run into a problem where Firefox does not allow you to download exe files from the Internet due to a Windows setting. You will get the message: This download has been blocked by your Security Zone Policy and your download file will never download. To fix this problem you must modify Internet Explorer settings!

IE7 Security Settings
  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Choose Tools menu – Internet Options.
  3. Click the Security tab and click on the Internet icon.
  4. Click the Default Level button if it is clickable
  5. Then click Custom Level… and navigate to Miscellaneous.
  6. Under this section find the option: Launching applications and unsafe files.
  7. Change it from Disable to Prompt (Recommended).
  8. Click OK, Apply, then OK.
  9. Startup Firefox again and test it to see if it works now.

IE 8 Browsers

If you are using IE 8, you should probably look at modifying these settings as well:

  1. Click on ToolsInternet Options.
  2. Click on the Security tab.
  3. Click on the Sites button and verify that the website URL is in the list of trusted sites.
  4. Back on the Security tab, click Custom Level…
  5. Locate the Automatic prompting for file downloads sub-category immediately under the Downloads category. Set the radial button to Enable.
  6. Locate the File download sub-category immediately under the Downloads category and set the radial button to Enable.
  7. Click OK to save the changes and Yes when prompted to confirm the changes.
  8. Exit completely out of all IE windows and then try it again