I spent most of the end of last week, linking to blog directories and changing the the sidebar to incorporate these blog directories web buttons, or as I call them web badges. Not all of the sites had their own web button, so I had to create a couple of them and the process is rather easy. You can go to Adam Kalsey’s site and use his very handy buttonmaker to make just about any web linking button you want.

All the buttons are 80 x 15 in dimension and are so easy to make that I made a few for WebKeyDesign:



Feel free to download and use any of the buttons on your own site. Just rename to wkd.png and use the following code with the proper url for the img src location.

<a href="https://www.webkeydesign.com/"><img src="wkd.png" alt="WebKeyDesign" title="WebKeyDesign" width="80" height="15" /></a>