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The Idea behind WebKeyDesign:

The problem with life is that you get bored. Most webdesigners learn this very quickly, because although it is interesting to produce a neat site, you soon get tired of it and want to redo it as something else. Seeing how I wanted to both learn more about web design and not change my site every week, I decided to just do other people’s web sites. But most of my clients were new to the process of creating a new site, so I ended up having to do more than just design a site.

WebKeyDesign is a place for both my clients and people who like to blog and customize their html. If you need a simple site or perhaps are just looking for web hosting then perhaps you would be interested in becoming one of our clients. But if you just want a place to talk and learn more about html, css, blogging, or hosting, well that is okay with us too.

WebKeyDesign WordPress Theme

Where did the themes for WebKeyDesign come from?

The original theme was actually a modified version of John Wrana’s WordPress Relaxation theme. I really liked John’s color design, but I found the font too large for the individual postings, so I reverted to the original default css from WordPress for this. Some of the static pages are actually not powered through WordPress. There are of course some unique exceptions of course. One of the big changes to the theme that I did make besides the fonts, was the horizontal space. I made the theme wider in general to make room for more content.

Another theme, which I refer to as WebKeyDesign 4, is a modified version of Nest Theme by YChong. This is a much lighter and modern based theme. It also renders adequately for me on mobile Safari.

For a time I utilized Beans as a framework and built a theme around it. This is an interesting framework if you want to utilize parent themes within WordPress.

Currently I am experimenting with another framework and the current theme is a work in progress. It looks similar in color and layout to the Beans theme I created.


The main areas of our site:

  • WebKeyDesign: Our main page is a weblog which discusses interesting topics having to do with website design, hosting, blogging, software, and our business.
  • WebKeyDesign Forum: The forums serve to support our clients and for everyone to contribute their own comments.
  • WebKeyDesign Store: An online store for web designers and webmasters.


Areas of interest for clients in general:

  • About: More information about WebKeyDesign.
  • Contact: Our main contact page for our site.
  • Services: What products and services we offer our clients.
  • Hosting: Our shared web hosting packages, for clients interested in WebKeyDesign Web Hosting.
  • Support: Our main Support area for our clients.
  • Links: Main third party links page.

WebKeyDesign Web Hosting

Of interest for web hosting clients:

Legal Information

All the legal notices and agreements:


Some interesting online tools that we offer:

  • Bandwidth Meter: Test your broadband connection to our site.
  • Easy XHTML: Online form that generates a basic XHTML template.
  • Password Generator: A simple password generator, useful when you can’t come up with one.
  • Whois Lookup: Utility to lookup the whois record of a domain.

Supplemental Content

More interesting content, however this info is outdated:

  • Optimize WindowsXP: A simple guide for how to go about tuning WindowsXP for performance.
  • Securing Wireless: Essential tips on implementing basic security measures on wireless networks.


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